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EU gives Cyprus until end of March for VAT change on homes

EU gives Cyprus until end of March for VAT change on homes


Deputies on Monday again turned to the issue of lowering VAT on homes, with some trying to make the issue urgent as the European Commission continues to breathe down the back of the head of Cyprus, launching proceedings on the violation of the rights of the Republic.

The House Finance Committee discussed the issue at an extraordinary meeting, given that Parliament is technically still on recess due to the upcoming presidential election. Further complicating matters is the fact that next Monday is Green Monday, a public holiday, so the committee will not hold formal meetings for two weeks. In addition, the deputies will have to discuss this issue with the executive branch, but the new government has not yet taken office. This will happen next week after the swearing in of President-elect Nikos Christodoulidis.

As soon as the new finance minister takes office, he or she will need to be briefed. In addition, whenever MPs agree on the final text of a VAT reduction bill, two weeks must elapse, in accordance with parliamentary rules, before the bill is presented to the plenum of the House of Representatives.

“In fact, we are planning to have a plenum at the end of March,” Elias Mirianthus, Edek MP on the House Finance Committee, told the Cyprus Mail.

He added that a few days ago, the European Commission contacted the finance ministry, informing the latter that, given the circumstances surrounding the elections, they would wait until the end of March, when Cyprus passed the law, before proceeding with the infringement case.

Source and photo:, Editor

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