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For Sale: Residential land, Souni-Zanakia, Limassol, Cyprus FC-52128

Two fields of 9,182 sq.m. to be sold together in Souni -Zanakia Vilage.

The property fall withing 3 different residental Planning zones.

First fied of 1,791 sq.m. has 30% density & 20% cover

Second field of 7391 sq.m. falls within H5 for 31% (30% density & 20% cover), H3 for 68% (60% density & 35% cover) and H1 for the remaining 1% (120% density & 70% cover)

The filed is flat, division and constraction can start with limited expenses. Goverment grants can be obtain for people looking to purchase a house in the village. Exchanges are also welcome!

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