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For Sale: Residential land, Mazotos, Larnaca, Cyprus FC-25523

The subject property is a field with a total area of 5.017 m2 falling within the boundaries of Mazotos village. It is located approximately 20 km south-west of Larnaca. The property has great accessibility to the coastal road linking Meneou, Kitiou, Mazotou and Zigiou. The land has an uneven shape with rather a flat surface. It is land locked with no road access and with the nearest registered dirt road being approximately 100 metres north. The property falls within Residential Planning Zone H3 with a 60% building density coefficient and a 35% coverage coefficient over 2 floors and 8,30 metres height. Mazotos is a small and charming village approximately 20 km south-west of Larnaca. Despite its small size the community numbers around 2.000 inhabitants with a substantial number of expatriates enjoying the quiet rhythm of the village on a permanent basis as retirees. The village features residential and holiday use developments, the latter being holiday homes. A significant number of the inhabitants are still involved in agriculture and the traditional way of life.

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