In the past until September will remain the “slums” of Larnaca, which were a great dissonance for the city center, due to improvised buildings erected almost five decades ago. Most of the eleven shacks have already been demolished, but the owners of two properties remain in the area, who eventually agreed to leave them, as Andreas Viras, the mayor of Larnaca, told F. The owners of the two properties, after consulting with the municipality of Larnaca and the Turkish Cypriot Services Guardian, have agreed to vacate them by September 15th.
Then they will be demolished like the rest. The buildings were built after the 1974 war on a site owned by the EVKAF to house refugee specialists. The municipality of Larnaca struggled for years to find a solution to the problem, since none of the owners of the property in question had a contract and did not pay rent. In cooperation with the Custodian of Turkish Cypriot Assets, two options have been provided to store users for some time.
Either they should be paid a financial compensation of 20 thousand euros and they should leave the site, or they should remain on the site, given that the existing unlicensed and dangerous structures will be demolished, and the Custodian of the property must sign a legal concession agreement with payment of the annual rent, which will also take into account investments in the construction of legal and borrowed infrastructure, as provided for by the relevant legislation.
Following this development, the area began planning for a new municipal parking space. According to the mayor of Larnaca, the plans have already been implemented and a tender is expected to be announced in September for a new municipal car park with a capacity of 93 cars. Works on the parking lot, where green areas will also be created, will last 3-4 months. The creation of a new car park has been deemed a must in this particular area due to the forthcoming relocation of the Larnaca municipality headquarters to the old city hospital, which is very close by.