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EBEL: It is unacceptable that Limassol is not included in the development projects of the state

EBEL: It is unacceptable that Limassol is not included in the development projects of the state


The Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry expresses strong dissatisfaction with the fact that successive announcements of government development projects have not taken Limassol into account .

“This situation is completely unacceptable, not only because there are objective needs for the development of Limassol , but also because it ignores the enormous contribution of Limassol to the country’s gross domestic product , ” emphasizes EBEL .

Also mentioned are demonstration projects that have been in long-term stagnation, without any time frame for changing the current situation:

  • Archaeological Museum
  • Technology Park in Pentakomos
  • Phase B’ and Phase C of the reconstruction of Agia Avenue Phylaxeos
  • Phase B’ connecting the beach to Franklin Roosevelt/ Aktai Avenue Odos
  • Roads Limassol-Platron and Akrunta-Dierona .

EVEL considers this clearly unfavorable discrimination against Limassol intolerable and calls on the competent authorities, acting on a case-by-case basis, to address these issues and propose solutions within a clear time frame.

Source and photo:, Editor

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