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Eba: The concern about overconcentration of immigrants is growing

Eba: The concern about overconcentration of immigrants is growing


The situation in the Eba community is becoming more and more alarming due to the excessive concentration of immigrants of Arab and African descent in places of residence in the area over the past two months.

This is emphasized by the community authorities and residents of the large community of the western suburban area of ​​Paphos, complaining about the change in the demographic status of the area in line with what happened in Chloraka, which led to the issuance of a restraining order by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Public Council and the residents of Empas complain that the state allows, by observing and not interfering, entrepreneurs who take advantage of the housing needs of these people, to carry out a “policy”, deciding where to resettle migrants, in accordance with the existing reaction and the availability of their own premises.

At the same time, they complain that now, almost every day, immigrants of Arab or African descent appear from nowhere in the center of Eba with travel luggage in their hands or with their belongings loaded into supermarket carts and head to a specific building or complex to live with hundreds of other foreigners. who have already settled in them.

The residence of these people in specific living quarters, according to the authorities and neighbors, does not even meet the basic requirements for human habitation, with obvious risks to public health.

“Eba is a community with a population of about 3 thousand people, but today more than a thousand immigrants live on its territory,” this position is now heard from all the official lips of the community.

Source and photo:, Editor

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