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Creating your private garden

Creating your private garden


Despite the fact that about 40% of Cyprus is covered with forest, trees and shrubs, the island should be greener, especially in conditions of water shortage.

The Ministry of Agriculture encourages tree planting, and it receives a lot of attention from public and other organizations. Cyprus’s sensitivity to green development is increasing and this can be seen both in private homes and in integrated development projects.

The councils offer several tree planting tips that, in addition to protecting the environment, enhance the value and appeal of a property in terms of increasing value as well as speed of sale.

  • Study existing vegetation and try to use similar vegetation as much as possible, as vegetation suits local soil and weather conditions.
  • Use olive, carob and cypress trees. Such trees, about 3 meters high, can be purchased for about 120-150 euros per piece. These trees require very little maintenance and limited water, and the leaves fall off without the need for constant wiping. You can also contact the Forestry Department, which sometimes offers seedlings for free.
  • Fruit trees such as lemon, orange and fig are also popular. Owners get added joy from watching them grow and use the fruits for food and gifts for friends. They require more attention than the first category and you should keep an eye on their branches. Also, consider where to plant them, as falling fruit or leaves can be difficult to clean up.
  • Also popular is native pine (not ornamental), which grows at a reasonable rate. You can buy it 3 meters high for a similar price (120 euros per piece). Care is required for its leaves, which, due to the resin content, must be constantly cleaned. They also require spraying once a year.
  • Palms are also attractive for large yards, so choose single-leaved ones, as their broad leaves bloom throughout and rarely suffer disease.
  • For areas near the beach with high humidity, you can choose other types of trees, including avocados and exotic fruits such as papaya.
  • Avoid eucalyptus trees, which have moisture-seeking roots that can end up in your drainage system in most cases.
  • In the flower category, choose bougainvillea (multi-colored), climbing rose, preferably using a limited number of flowers and grass.
  • For those who want to take care of their garden, you can choose 1-2 small plots of, say, 10-20 square meters. m for planting vegetables such as lettuce, radishes, parsley, onions and corn and various varieties of peppers. Tomatoes and cucumbers are another option, but they require some care in cold weather.
  • Avoid planting trees such as pine trees close to your home (at least 10m high) as you may cause problems by blocking the solar panels.
  • For olive trees, choose edible ones (large olives) rather than small ones that are suitable for olive oil production (if you have a lot of them). Again, this is a great time to spend olive picking with family and friends.

Depending on the circumstances, the quality of the soil and the availability of water, houses in Cyprus can be turned into a green paradise.

Source and photo:, Editor

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