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Constructions: Fixed , but “crushes” the cost

Constructions: Fixed , but “crushes” the cost


Insignificant, only by 0.12%, was the increase in the price index for building materials in relation to the previous month in October, remaining at a high level.

However, compared to October last year, the growth exceeds 14%, while the price increase is observed for the main categories of building materials.

Increase in the price of plastics by more than 30%

In particular, according to the Statistical Service, the largest growth of 30.1% was recorded for plastic products.

The annual increase in ceramic products amounted to more than 26%, while iron and steel products, electrical equipment, as well as products made of aluminum and other metals – almost 17%.

11% outpaced growth in wood and stone products.

No price reduction

It is worth noting that no category of building materials showed a decrease in prices year-on-year. However, the smallest increase was found in chemicals (1.88%) and heating and cooling systems (2.7%).

For the main category of goods, an increase was recorded in metal products (16.74%), minerals (13.52%), mineral products (13.39%), wood, insulating, chemical and plastic products (12.91%) and electromechanical products (11.72%).

Source and photo:, Editor

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