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Campaign to clamp down on undeclared employment of third-country nationals

Campaign to clamp down on undeclared employment of third-country nationals


On Monday, inspections at workplaces will begin in Cyprus for undeclared employment of third-country nationals. The two-month campaign concerns checks in specific sectors/industries of employment, as well as in those sectors where a large number of third-country nationals were employed.

The campaign aims to combat undeclared and illegal work on the one hand, and to better manage immigration policy on the other.

In the course of 1525 inspections by the competent service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance from May to July of this year, 83 cases of illegal employment of third-country nationals were revealed. It is also noted that as part of the campaign, the Inspection Service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance will further strengthen inspections regarding illegal and / or undeclared employment of third-country nationals.

It is noted that the checks will be carried out in coordination with both the Civil Registry and Immigration Department and the Asylum Service of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as other involved services, such as the Aliens and Immigration Division of the Cypriot Police.

We would like to remind you that according to the law, employing a foreign national without the necessary permit, employing a foreigner in violation of the terms of a work permit, or employing a foreigner in violation of any law or regulation is a crime punishable by imprisonment of up to 5 years and/or a fine of up to 20,000. Euro. The law also provides for administrative fines of up to €1,500 (up to €3,000 for any subsequent violation), as well as a ban on the employment of third-country nationals by offenders.

With regard to violations of the law in relation to applicants for international protection, offenders are subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years and/or a fine of up to 8,000 euros.

Third-country nationals found to have committed offenses are also subject to penalties, including imprisonment and/or a fine in accordance with the law.

Source and photo:, Editor

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