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Buying immovable property 101: Part two

Buying immovable property 101: Part two


Last week saw the release of the first of two series of articles on information you need to know before buying property. This can be a complex process and there are many things to pay attention to.

If there is a building on the site, then you should check its legality and the presence of any planning, construction or other unresolved issues:

  • Make sure the building has a certificate of conformity, whether or not it has “notes” (or “reminder”) or other restrictions or prohibitions.
  • Ask if the property is subject to any town planning conditions or if any outstanding obligations could trap you in lengthy procedures.
  • Make sure you know which planning zone the property belongs to and what detailed planning zone rules apply.

Any decision to purchase real estate should be made taking into account all of the above criteria. It is recommended that you do not pay the full price of the property purchase until the registration certificate is in your name.

Source and photo:, Editor

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