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Board of Registration of Real Estate Agents: The continuous education of real estate agents is a priority

Board of Registration of Real Estate Agents: The continuous education of real estate agents is a priority


Attaching great importance to the training of licensed real estate agents, the Cyprus Property Registration Board, in collaboration with the Department of Taxation, held a training seminar in Larnaca on 28 February 2024.

In order to provide the best training for licensed real estate agents, issues related to VAT on land and real estate, as well as general tax issues related to the real estate sector, were developed in the context of the seminar.

In addition to the presentations, employees of the Taxation Department answered a number of questions from participants on tax topics, analyzing the provisions of the relevant Legislation.

Marinos Kinaigiro , President of the Estate Agents Registration Board, said: “In 2024, we will continue to emphasize continuing education for estate agents as it requires us all to be as informed as possible.”

Due to the strong interest shown, the Council is exploring the possibility of repeating the workshop with the Tax Department.

A portion of the cost of attending the workshop for registered licensed real estate agents was subsidized by the Real Estate Registration Board.

Source and photo:, Editor

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