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Berengaria: This is what the reborn legendary hotel will look like

Berengaria: This is what the reborn legendary hotel will look like


“Pearl of Prodromos”, “Queen of Troodos”, “Hotel of Kings” and many other names can be attributed to the legendary hotel, which will receive a new life after a radical renovation and residential development.

The restoration of the Berengaria Hotel and the project of a luxury residential complex is aimed at preserving and updating the tourist product of the area with a ski resort.

The photos prove that the completely renovated look of the historic hotel complex will restore the lost glory of Berengaria, achieving the return of bygone days.

bbf development director: Andreas Siamtanis emphasized that his goal is to once again make the Berengaria’s reputation as a “hotel of kings” a reality.

The hotel comes alive, Troodos is updated

bbf: Brings the iconic hotel back to life, retaining familiar shapes and heritage elements, giving it a modern look.

Mixed tourist development, with hotel rooms, a modern spa area and swimming pools, harmoniously blends with a sparse residential development with houses and apartments.

The revitalization of the hotel is of great and vital importance, not only for the Prodromos area, but also for the wider idyllic Troodos area.

bbf: is actively promoting the renovation and modernization of the hotel, which is expected to return to the lost glory of the 1930s with its re-opening.

It is noted that Berengaria, when she first worked, received many guests, including kings and presidents of states.

The whole development will consist of a historic hotel, which will keep its old appearance, while at the same time, will be modernized inside, with new wellness and hotel areas. With the addition of new premises, a full-fledged hotel of high standards will be created.

In the rest of the wooded area, a few independent villas, maisonettes and studios will be sparsely scattered throughout the residential development.

6 stages of hotel development

1928-1931. The hotel begins its work. It was designed by Henrik Clark and built by Michalis Kokkalos.

1931-1984. The hotel celebrates 53 years of glorious work with elite guests and exquisite service.

1961. Added swimming pool, knight’s club, children’s room and other buildings.

1984. The hotel closes.

1984-2020. The property was resold several times, but redevelopment plans never came to fruition.

2020. bbf: buys Berengaria to restore her to her former glory.

Source and photo:, Editor

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