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Authorities scratching heads over Pissouri landslide

Authorities scratching heads over Pissouri landslide


The chronic problem of land subsidence in Pissouri continues to worsen. The issue has come to the attention of the Home Office in recent days, leading to a meeting involving the ministers of transport and agriculture.

During the meeting, an agreement was reached on the creation of an interdepartmental commission under the leadership of the Department of Geological Exploration, subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture.

In response to a new landslide that occurred two years ago in the center of the community, the Department of Geological Survey undertook the preparation of a comprehensive study covering the entire territory of Pissouri . This study will cover not only the Limnes area , where construction work on the housing complex took place, but also the heart of the village itself. Subsequently, measures will be taken in both directions.

The Geological Survey Department is considering calling in a team of international experts to conduct an on-site assessment. Depending on the results of the study, which is expected to take eight months, decisions will be made regarding possible partial relocation of residents and soil stabilization measures as necessary. The study will determine how many homes are at risk and whether evacuation is warranted.

Evacuation orders have already been issued for five houses. At the same time, the Limassol district administration , following the recommendations of the Geological Survey Department, is conducting inspections of residential buildings affected by soil instability. The purpose is to assess the habitability of the property and, if deemed necessary, order an evacuation to protect the occupants.

An area of approximately 500,000 m2 in Pissouri is subject to significant erosion and landslides. The problem was discovered after heavy rain in June 2012. A 2015 study found that the problem is caused by groundwater that used to be lakes and uncontrolled human intervention, particularly embankment work.

As a result, approximately 75 housing units have now been affected, many of them with significant damage.

The Interior Ministry previously said responsibility for the problem lay with civil engineers appointed by the construction companies that built the houses.

Source and photo:, Editorial office

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