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Ask Wire presents RED: Real-time real property market data at your fingertips

Ask Wire presents RED: Real-time real property market data at your fingertips


Ask Wire , an award-winning real estate data analytics company, has announced the launch of its dedicated tool, Real estate Dynamics (RED). RED is a subscription tool that uses technology to collect, process and map individual real estate transactions and listings, making them easily accessible to developers, investors, brokers and appraisers.

With over 22,000 listings and 140,000 transactions, RED provides a comprehensive, reliable and independent picture of the Cyprus market. Ask Wire collects daily real estate listings made by banks, loan companies, auctions and websites while simultaneously processing transactions conducted by the Land Registry on a monthly basis. RED is compatible with mobile phones, so you can use it at any time, such as during meetings, property inspections, and discussions with clients and partners.

Pavlos Loizu , CEO of Ask Wire , commented: “We are excited to make RED available to everyone as we have been providing similar data to banks, credit companies, etc. in recent years. It is important for us to ensure the transparency of the real estate sector by making data reliable and accessible. RED achieves this by putting massive amounts of data on every user’s mobile device, helping them make informed decisions about sales, investment and growth opportunities.”

Source and photo:, Editor

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