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101 Development Company: One of the most beautiful projects is the new Makariou

101 Development Company: One of the most beautiful projects is the new Makariou


The design of the pedestrian street – part of Makariu Avenue – in the city center is one of the largest and most beautiful projects in the capital. This is done with the aim of gathering more local residents and tourists in the city center, where they can comfortably and safely enjoy walking, shopping and other entertainment, as is done in all developed capitals of large countries.

With this vision, 101 Development Company Ltd has invested in one of the largest land plots in Nicosia, creating 360 Nicosia, the city’s most iconic and tallest building, with shops, restaurants and apartments, investing multi-million dollar, adding value and supporting the vision of Nicosia Municipality.

We are firmly of the opinion and position that people who organize demonstrations and go beyond the intersection of cars on the section of Makariou Avenue, which is now a pedestrian street, are a minority and express themselves, and not Makariou as a whole.

Dear store owners, people can shop not from the car, but by walking and seeing your wonderful shop windows. Friends who object to the road network, there are many other routes that lead to Agios Dometios besides Makariou Avenue.

We urge store owners who have had their workload reduced not to blame Makarios for walking distance or third parties, but to upgrade their products and services to the public.

We call on the Municipality of Nicosia not to give in to the reactions and voices of the people who are in the minority who support this point of view and to ruin one of the most important projects that has been completed in Nicosia.

Stasikratous Street, like the part of Makariou Avenue, which has become pedestrian, belongs to the people of Nicosia, not to the shopkeepers. Let’s look at the development of our capital as a whole, let’s look at the wider vision of the municipality and share it by supporting it.

Source and photo:, Editor

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